He has over 48 years of varied experience in Food corporation of India, Ministry of Food processing GoI, National Seeds Corporation, Ministry of Agriculture GoI and beyond. He was the resource person for developing technology for moisture reduction for Rice mills and milling technology in India.
Currently is Chairman for the Panel of experts on Technology Vision 2020 on Cereals, Fruits and Vegetables. Serving on the panel of experts of DST- Government of India and is also visiting Faculty at IIT Delhi, IIT Kharagpur, and University of Delhi.
Former Dean of Ranchi veterinary College, Dr. Singh has been conferred with the Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad National Award for outstanding research in the field of animal science in tribal areas in 1990 — is credited with popularising pig farming across the country by developing a cross between the British Tamworth and the desi variety.
He is on expert panel of various government bodies in the field of veterinary and animal health. Is on the advisory committee of NRC Pig, Assam. He has worked extensively with farmers at ground level in handholding and training them in animal raising and farm management.
Ex-director, Dhampur sugar mills, with over 48 years of experience in the sugar, paper and petroleum industry in India and abroad. Responsible for the implementation of several green field projects based on sugar cane and allied industries. Projects include sugar plant, ethanol plants, bagasse-based cogeneration plants and paper plants. Has been technical consultant to five sugar mills in Jamaica and one in Trinidad and Tobago on behalf of Dhampur Sugar Mills advising them for their sugar operations and their diversification plans for cogeneration and ethanol production from molasses. Presently is Director and coordinator for a JV with an Italian company for molasses based ethanol plant.
Over 39 years work experience in Private, Public, and Government Sectors including autonomous societies with 12 years as Chief Executive Officer and as a Consultant in ICT. He has been DG, STPI GoI and worked closely with IT and ITES – KPO, BPO, Call Centersetc for export promotion and setting up incubation facilities at all STPI Centers in the country. Has been advisor to ITU, ACTO, CMIT, Liqvid, IP University, BITS Pilani, IDFC Foundation and many more on ICT, Cyber parks, IT education and Training.
Has over 40 years of professional experience with expertise in Industrial Projects, Housing, Hospitals, Academic& Institutional Buildings. Presently empanelled by Central Government and various Public-Sector Companies as Architectural Consultant. Over the years he has been awarded with various fellowships and recognition for his contribution in the field of low-cost housing, design, architectural works and much more. Has been member of national tourism advisory council, central vista committee, council of architects. Presently serving as member BIS committee and core-committee of NBC, Bureau of Indian standards.
He has over 35 years of experience in research and development including yield improvement of Bamboo. Has held various position in Forest research Institute, bamboo mission, DAC, ICFRE. Has worked as Director RFRI Jorhat.Presently is the Chief consultant to National Bamboo Mission.
Ph.D. in Aquaculture from ICAR with 5 years of experience in teaching and fish farm management. She has been awarded various fellowships for her good research work in field of aquaculture. Dr. Neha, has worked in advanced harvest and post-harvest technologies in Fisheries and has been a teaching faculty with Department of Fisheries, Pantnagar University.