Our Services


building sustainable rural livelihoods

Public sector (Government) highlighted problems and thus driven policies are not locally focused and amenable to community-based problems. This leads to creation/ inception of projects (not well thought over) which are imposed either by funders or through availability of funds.

We believe that the most important step to stop growing discontentment in young educated youth, end poverty and develop a culture of entrepreneurship is to create employment and income opportunities and to make youth accept that self-employment is the quickest and easiest way to create employment by:

Widening the concept of employment.

Recognizing every single human being as a potential entrepreneur.

Recognizing social entrepreneurs as potential change agents for progress and agents of peace and harmony.

Building projects that not only complements markets and public sector activities but also build social capital.

Recognizing the role of globalization and information technology in reducing poverty.

Afrodev aims to provide enterprise development, training and support systems to help members of the associations in the region create enterprises through enterprise development and micro financing that will create jobs and generate incomes. Our aim is to reach out to new and existing associations in the region.


Localized focus. | Address to multiple conflicting objectives. Thereby bringing multiple stakeholders together. | Everyone is accountable for something.

We believe in Community driven development where communities have direct control over key project decisions, including management of investment funds.

We have the unique expertise of developing and integrating initiatives for sustainable growth of the communities. Better quality of life for the community is what we aim at, in order to achieve that rural employment opportunities should be created ensuring minimum income to improve the living standards of the rural poor.

To achieve this, we design projects in such a manner not only enhances project sustainability but also improves efficiency and effectiveness, makes development more inclusive.

Communities are encouraged to develop other farm/ off-farm activities (not just traditional agriculture crops alone), such as animal husbandry, poultry, fishery, social forestry, horticulture, sericulture etc. Our focus is to drive transformative skills, knowledge, technology, innovation, SMEs (Small-Medium Enterprises) and services .

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